Canning on the Homestead
Canning your own food at home is such a wonderful rewarding feeling. Is it hard work? Uh…yes! Is it worth it? Uh…yes!! Once it’s all done, the view of it is so satisfying even more so when it’s the dead of winter and you open a home canned jar of tomatoes or green beans that taste so fresh it’s almost like summer is right there in that jar.
All the beauty and satisfaction aside, we do need to utilize safe canning methods. There are many canning methods shared online; some are safe and some are not. Remember botulism is toxic; it’s odorless, tasteless, and you can’t see it. So because of that, it is best to follow proven safe home canning recipes. Yes, some that are not proven to be safe may actually be safe, but how do you know…really know? You may can an unproven recipe now, but will you still trust it and feel confident it won’t make someone very ill or worse later in the year?
Foundations in Canning
Before we dive into some canning recipes, I feel there are some things you should know first and also things I just want to share first. Please review the following videos:
-How to Tell if Your Home Canned Food is SAFE to Consume
-How to Use Harvest Guard REUSABLE Canning Lids
-Here’s What a Rolling Boil is
If you are canning tomatoes; I have an entire series on just that.

Home Canned Tomatoes
home canned tomatoes video

Home Pressure Canned Potatoes
Read our step by step article on how to can potatoes or watch the included video to follow along!

Home Canned Pickled Okra
Move over cucumber pickles, There's tastier option.
Can I be trusted?
Have you ever wondered if you can trust the person giving you canning advice? Let me tell you about me, so you can decide for yourself if I can be trusted.

Home Canned Green Beans
Home Canned Green Bean video
Home Canned Applesauce
Home canned applesauce video
Home Canned Apple Jelly
Home canned apple jelly video

Home Canned Strawberry Jam
Strawberry freezer jam is quite common, but what about canning strawberry jam and what about using LESS sugar?

Home Canned Beef Stew
Learn how to can your own beef stew along with answers to frequently asked questions.