In Times of Sickness
It’s definitely no fun when someone we love is sick or achy. We have been caring for ourselves using home or natural herbal preparations since 2010.
This section is where we will share our personal experiences, and if we think something that we haven’t tried is worth passing on, we will, but we will let you know if we haven’t tried it ourselves.

DISCLAIMER: Please understand that we are NOT medical professionals. We are simply conducting our own research to help our family, and we are sharing what we find. We cannot examine, diagnose, prevent, treat, nor cure any illness, disease, or condition. We make no claim as to the safety or efficacy of any herb or herbal preparation we share. YOU are responsible for yourself and your family, including your own health. Always do YOUR OWN research. Never take one person’s word as fact. Just like pharmaceuticals, herbs can interact with other herbs or drugs or health conditions or you could have an allergic reaction. If you’re pregnant, plan to be, or are nursing, consult your doctor, naturopath, functional medicine doctor, or pharmacist. Please talk with your doctor, naturopath, functional medicine doctor, or pharmacist about any questions or concerns.
In addition, if you decide to try an herbal preparation, ALWAYS make 100% positive identification (if wild harvesting) of any plant you hope to use in any way as some plants have toxic look alikes. Some plants look completely different when they’re seedlings versus when they’re full grown. Some plants may have edible and toxic parts on the SAME plant at the SAME time! Some plants are only recommended for external use only. Some plants or plant parts may be safe to eat at one time but toxic at another time. NEVER consume plants that have been sprayed with chemicals or are grown close to a busy roadway.
Until I get time to write up proper articles; feel free to browse this playlist and glean what you can from my herbal videos. Some of these are quite old.