Hello and welcome to our website! Allow us to introduce ourselves, and feel free to leave a comment. We are a simple Christian family born and raised in the hills of Missouri. My husband, Buddy, and I, Shana, got married in 2003 when I was just 18 years old and are still happily married. God has blessed us with two amazing children here and one in Heaven. We homeschool, cook from scratch, use herbal remedies, clean with homemade cleaners, have a small orchard started, herb garden, perennial berry garden, can, ferment, and are learning to root cellar. In the past we have raised chickens, goats, a couple cattle, and meat rabbits; we hope to get back into meat rabbits. Currently we raise chickens and honeybees. I guess I should mention our German Shepherd, Chief, and two tom cats, Joe and Max; they easily get jealous. We love sharing and teaching others, so we hope you find this site helpful, encouraging, and inspiring.